240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (2024)

Gear up, intrepid adventurers of the digital battlefield, for a mind-blowing escapade into the captivating realm of “Heroic Surveillance”! Prepare to immerse yourself in an electrifying symphony of sights and sounds, where mighty champions clash amidst the vibrant tapestry of Overwatch’s immersive universe. Get ready to delve deep into a realm where vigilance is your ally, the objective your mantra, and exhilarating combat your raison d’être. So, hold your breath, tighten your grip, and brace yourself for an adrenaline-fueled journey that will leave you utterly awestruck, because we’re about to embark on a pun-filled rollercoaster ride through the Overwatch wonderland like never before!

Clever overwatch Puns

  1. “Why did the Widowmaker bring a ladder to the battlefield? For high ground advantage!”
  2. “Why was Reinhardt always invited to parties? Because he knows how to ‘shield’ the dance floor!”
  3. “What do you call a group of Hanzos practicing archery? A scattergory!”
  4. “Why did the Genji main bring a map to the match? Because he wanted to ‘navigate’ with ease!”
  5. “Why did Tracer get a job as a baker? Because she’s always ‘blinking’ in and out of the kitchen!”
  6. “What do you call Zenyatta’s favorite snack? Discord grapes!”
  7. “Why did Mercy start a gardening club? Because she loves to ‘reap what she sows’!”
  8. “What did the McCree main say after winning the match? ‘It’s high noon somewhere!'”
  9. “Why did Winston never lose at hide and seek? Because he always had the ‘jump’ on his opponents!”
  10. “What’s Reaper’s favorite subject in school? Art class, because he loves ‘drawing’ souls!”
  11. “Why did Junkrat join a band? Because he wanted to ‘explode’ onto the music scene!”
  12. “Why did Sombra become a detective? Because she’s always ‘hacking’ into mysteries!”
  13. “What did the Symmetra main say when asked about her day? ‘It was a perfectly orchestrated masterpiece!'”
  14. “Why was Mei voted most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Because she’s always ‘chilling’!”
  15. “Why did Roadhog open a restaurant? Because he loves to ‘hook’ customers with his cooking!”
  16. “What do you call a group of Lucios on the move? A speed ‘beat’!”
  17. “Why did D.Va join the debate team? Because she loves to ‘mic drop’ her arguments!”
  18. “Why did Orisa become a teacher? Because she’s great at ‘imparting’ knowledge!”
  19. “Why did Bastion take up painting? Because he wanted to ‘brush’ up on his creativity!”
  20. “What did the Torbjörn say to his turret? ‘You’re my greatest ‘creation’ yet!'”

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (1)

One-liners overwatch Puns

  1. Why did the Reaper break up with his girlfriend? She said he was too “deathly” serious.
  2. What do you call a Reinhardt who loves to garden? A “Shield Blossom.”
  3. Why don’t overwatch heroes ever get lost? Because they always have a “tracer”!
  4. What do you call a sneaky Widowmaker? A “snipey girl.”
  5. Why was Lucio always invited to parties? Because he knew how to “amp” up the atmosphere!
  6. Why did the Overwatch hero go to therapy? They had too much “junk” in their mental “rat-tat-tat.”
  7. Why did the hero refuse to play cards with Winston? Because he always had a “monkey” on his back!
  8. Why did Mercy break up with her boyfriend? Because he had “Genji-nuine” issues.
  9. What’s Soldier 76’s favorite game? Hide and “Tactical Visor”!
  10. Why did the payload break up with its girlfriend? Because she kept “pushing” its buttons!
  11. What’s D.Va’s favorite type of music? “High Noon” beats!
  12. Why did Symmetra become an architect? Because she wanted to create “perfect” worlds!
  13. Why was Torbjorn always the life of the party? Because he knew how to “forge” new friendships!
  14. Why was Bastion always invited to picnics? Because he was great at “turret” sandwiches!
  15. Why did Mei’s date go poorly? Because she kept “cold-shouldering” him!
  16. Why did Hanzo fail math class? Because he couldn’t “calculate” the angle of his arrows!
  17. Why did Zarya get kicked out of the art gallery? Because she was too “graviton-surge” with her critiques!
  18. What’s Junkrat’s favorite day of the week? “Boom”day!
  19. Why was Sombra always the first one to leave the party? Because she knew how to make a “quick getaway”!
  20. Why was Winston bad at cooking? Because he always “over-charged” the stove!

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (2)

Cute overwatch Puns

  1. Why did the little Tracer always win hide and seek? Because she could “blink” out of sight!
  2. What did the baby Winston say to his mother? “I love you to the moon and back, with a Primal Rage!”
  3. Why did the Mei blush? Because she had a “Chill out” crush!
  4. What did the baby D.Va say when she saw her first mech? “It’s so ‘mech’nificent!”
  5. Why was the Genji always invited to play tag? Because he could “Swift Strike” away from being tagged!
  6. What did the little Zenyatta say to his friend? “Orb you glad we’re friends?”
  7. Why did the little Bastion make a great friend? Because he was always there with his “beep-boop” support!
  8. What did the tiny Mercy say when she healed a boo-boo? “All better, angel!”
  9. Why was the tiny Reinhardt always happy? Because he had a big “heart” for his friends!
  10. What did the little Junkrat say when he found treasure? “Jackpot, mateys!”
  11. Why did the tiny Hanzo always bring a snack? Because he believed in the power of “dragon rolls”!
  12. What did the little Zarya say when she lifted a heavy toy? “Strong as a Russian bear!”
  13. Why did the little McCree love bedtime stories? Because he enjoyed hearing about high “noon” adventures!
  14. What did the baby Roadhog say when he got a hug? “Oink you glad we’re friends?”
  15. Why did the little Orisa make a great babysitter? Because she had a “fortify” button for safety!
  16. What did the tiny Sombra say when she pulled a prank? “Boop! Gotcha!”
  17. Why did the little Lucio always dance? Because he believed in spreading “positive vibes”!
  18. What did the baby Widowmaker say when she saw a butterfly? “What a ‘widowwonderful’ world!”
  19. Why was the little Symmetra great at building sandcastles? Because she had a “teleporter” to bring more sand!
  20. What did the tiny Soldier 76 say when he got a cookie? “Thanks, but I prefer ‘tactical cookies’!”

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (3)

Short overwatch Puns

  1. Why did the Reaper go to therapy? He needed to deal with his “Reap”erations.
  2. What do you call a healing Zenyatta? A “tranquility specialist.”
  3. Why did Soldier 76 switch to a plant-based diet? Because he wanted to “sprout” new tactics.
  4. Why was McCree always a hit at parties? Because he always brought “High Noon” snacks.
  5. What do you call a clumsy Junkrat? A “blow-it-all-up” hazard.
  6. Why did Mercy bring a ladder to the battle? To “boost” her teammates’ morale.
  7. What do you get when you mix a gorilla and a scientist? A “primed” Winston.
  8. Why did Torbjörn become a chef? Because he loved to “cook” up trouble.
  9. What do you call a fashionable Widowmaker? A “sniper-chic” assassin.
  10. Why did Symmetra open a bakery? To create “perfect” pastries.
  11. What did Sombra say to the stubborn computer? “You’ve been hacked.”
  12. Why did Reinhardt become a poet? Because he wanted to “hammer” out his emotions.
  13. What do you call a D.Va with excellent driving skills? A “mech”anic prodigy.
  14. Why did Bastion make friends with a bird? Because they both loved to “tweet.”
  15. What’s Soldier 76’s favorite type of music? “Pulse” pounding beats.
  16. Why did Mei become a tour guide? She wanted to show everyone the “cool” sights.
  17. What do you call a Lucio who’s also a comedian? A “sound” jester.
  18. Why was Roadhog always late for meetings? Because he had a “hook” for procrastination.
  19. What did Tracer say to the time machine? “Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!”
  20. Why did Ana always win at hide-and-seek? Because she was a “sharp” shooter.

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (4)

Pickup overwatch Puns

  1. Are you a Symmetra main? Because you’ve just teleported into my heart.
  2. Are you Junkrat? Because you’ve blown up all my barriers and left me defenseless.
  3. Do you have a Roadhog in your team? Because you’ve hooked me in with your charm.
  4. Are you a Hanzo main? Because you’ve shot straight through my defenses and found my weak spot.
  5. Are you Mei? Because you’ve frozen my heart with your beauty.
  6. Are you a Genji main? Because you’ve deflected all my doubts about love.
  7. Are you Mercy? Because you’ve resurrected my faith in romance.
  8. Are you a McCree main? Because you’ve high nooned my heart.
  9. Are you Widowmaker? Because you’ve sniped my attention from across the room.
  10. Are you Lucio? Because you’ve amped up the beat of my heart.
  11. Are you Reinhardt? Because you’ve shattered the walls around my heart.
  12. Are you D.Va? Because you’ve ejected me out of my single life.
  13. Are you Zenyatta? Because you’ve transcended my expectations of love.
  14. Are you Pharah? Because you’ve rocketed into my thoughts.
  15. Are you Winston? Because you’ve gone bananas for me.
  16. Are you Tracer? Because you’ve blinked into my life and I can’t imagine it without you.
  17. Are you Soldier: 76? Because you’ve sprinted into my heart and I can’t keep up.
  18. Are you Bastion? Because you’ve set up camp in my mind.
  19. Are you Ana? Because you’ve put me to sleep with your enchanting presence.
  20. Are you Orisa? Because you’ve fortified my feelings for you.

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (5)

Subtle overwatch Puns

  1. When the enemy team tried to push, we said, “Rein it in!”
  2. Our team’s strategy was so good, it was like Zenyatta-ning!
  3. Watching the payload move feels like a Junkrat-race!
  4. Genji-ously sneaking behind enemy lines!
  5. Our team’s coordination was so precise, it was like Symmetra-ry!
  6. Tracer-ing the enemy’s movements to predict their next move!
  7. Lucio-ting up the battlefield with some sick beats!
  8. Mei-king sure the enemy team stays chilled under pressure!
  9. Winston-ning team fights with primal rage!
  10. Pharah-lyzing the enemy team with aerial superiority!
  11. Hanzo-verwatching from afar, always ready to strike!
  12. Getting Mercy-less eliminations on the battlefield!
  13. Orisa-striding into battle with unbreakable resolve!
  14. Soldier: 76-ing down the competition with tactical precision!
  15. D.Va-stating the enemy team with explosive mech maneuvers!
  16. Bastion-ning down the hatches for a solid defense!
  17. Roadhog-ging all the attention on the front lines!
  18. Ana-lyzing every situation for the perfect shot!
  19. Sombra-ising the enemy team with stealthy hacks!
  20. Widowmaker-ing sure every shot counts!

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (6)

Questions and Answers overwatch Puns

  1. Q: What did Tracer say when asked about her favorite dessert?
    A: “Time to indulge in some Chrono-co-late!”
  2. Q: Why did Winston bring a banana to the match?
    A: “To go ape over the victory celebration!”
  3. Q: How does Reaper take his coffee?
    A: “With a side of Death Blossom!”
  4. Q: Why did Mercy become a doctor?
    A: “Because resurrecting the team is the ultimate healing!”
  5. Q: How does Soldier: 76 keep his lawn so tidy?
    A: “By always following the Tactical Visor for a precise mow!”
  6. Q: What’s D.Va’s favorite subject in school?
    A: “Mech-anics, of course!”
  7. Q: How does Junkrat keep his room organized?
    A: “By setting off controlled chaos with some explosive decluttering!”
  8. Q: What did McCree say when asked about his favorite movie?
    A: “High Noon: The Ultimate Showdown!”
  9. Q: Why did Symmetra excel in geometry class?
    A: “Because she knows how to bend reality to her will!”
  10. Q: What does Roadhog do on his day off?
    A: “He hooks up with his favorite scrapyard!”
  11. Q: Why did Lucio become a DJ?
    A: “Because he wanted to drop the beat and lift everyone’s spirits!”
  12. Q: How does Genji stay sharp in battle?
    A: “By always keeping an edge with his swift strikes!”
  13. Q: What’s Mei’s favorite winter sport?
    A: “Freeze-tag with her Endothermic Blaster!”
  14. Q: Why did Reinhardt become a knight?
    A: “Because he wanted to charge into battle with honor and Rein-forcement!”
  15. Q: How does Ana stay calm under pressure?
    A: “By always having a tranquilizer dart up her sleeve!”
  16. Q: What’s Bastion’s favorite hobby?
    A: “Turning into a turret and pew-pewing the day away!”
  17. Q: Why did Sombra become a hacker?
    A: “Because she wanted to Ctrl+Alt+Delete the enemy’s plans!”
  18. Q: How does Zarya maintain her strength?
    A: “By lifting weights and graviton surging through the gym!”
  19. Q: What’s Torbjörn’s favorite type of music?
    A: “Heavy metal, of course, to match his riveting personality!”
  20. Q: Why did Hanzo become an archer?
    A: “Because he wanted to find his true aim and hit the bullseye of destiny!”

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (7)

“20 Overwatching Puns: A Playful Payload of Wordplay!”

  1. Reaper: From Wraith to Roflcopter, he’ll “reap” the laughs!
  2. Winston: He’s bananas for puns, but he won’t go “ape” over them.
  3. Hanzo: He shoots arrows and jokes, a true “pun-zen master.”
  4. McCree: His puns are high noon quality, always on target.
  5. Mei: Her ice-cold puns will leave you “frozen” with laughter.
  6. Tracer: She’s got puns that “blink” in and out of your funny bone.
  7. Soldier: 76: He may be serious, but his puns are “tactical hilarity.”
  8. D.Va: Her puns are “nano-boosted” for maximum fun!
  9. Bastion: Beep boop! His puns are the ultimate “reprogrammed comedy.”
  10. Zenyatta: He’ll “transcend” your expectations with his pun-derful words.
  11. Junkrat: Prepare for explosive laughter with his “pun-tastic” humor.
  12. Genji: His puns are so sharp, they’ll “slice” through your funny bone.
  13. Sombra: Her puns are as sneaky as her hacks, full of “byte-sized” humor.
  14. Ana: She’s got the “healing touch” when it comes to puns.
  15. Orisa: Her puns are the “fortified” source of comedic relief.
  16. Zarya: She’ll “charge” up the laughter with her powerful puns.
  17. Mercy: Her puns are like a “resurrection” of humor, bringing you back to life.
  18. Roadhog: His puns are as meaty and satisfying as a “hog roast.”
  19. Symmetra: Her puns are perfectly “aligned” for maximum amusem*nt.
  20. Torbjörn: His puns are “hammered” with pure comedic gold.

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (8)

“Another 20 Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Barrage of Playful Wordplay!”

  1. Lucio: His puns will make you groove to the rhythm of laughter.
  2. Widowmaker: Her puns are as sharp as her aim, hitting the mark every time.
  3. Reinhardt: His puns will leave you in awe, like a “hammer down” of hilarity.
  4. Moira: She’ll “fade” into your funny bone with her darkly delightful puns.
  5. Brigitte: Her puns pack a punch, delivering a shield of comedic awesomeness.
  6. Pharah: Her puns will “rocket” you into fits of laughter.
  7. Ashe: She’s got a “dynamite” sense of humor, igniting explosive laughs.
  8. Echo: Her puns are a symphony of wit, echoing through the halls of hilarity.
  9. Baptiste: His puns will make you feel “amplified” with amusem*nt.
  10. Sigma: His puns are out of this world, defying the laws of comedy.
  11. Zenyatta: Prepare to be enlightened by his zenful puns.
  12. Mercy: Her puns are a heavenly delight, a true “guardian angel” of humor.
  13. Orisa: Her puns are a steady stream of laughter, an “anchor” of comedic relief.
  14. Torbjörn: His puns are “molten core” hilarious, forging a path of amusem*nt.
  15. Sombra: She’ll hack into your funny bone with her mischievous puns.
  16. Junkrat: His explosive puns are a blast of comedic genius.
  17. Genji: Prepare to be “deflected” by his razor-sharp puns.
  18. Symmetra: Her puns will construct a bridge of laughter to your heart.
  19. Mei: Her icy puns will leave you “chilled” with delight.
  20. Winston: His puns are bananas, peeling away the seriousness for laughter.

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (9)

“20 Overwatch-O-Rama: Another Blast of Pun-tastic Gaming Goodness!”

  1. Why did Reinhardt become a successful chef? Because he knows how to shield his ingredients from any damage!
  2. What do you call it when Mei starts singing? Mei-lo-dy!
  3. Why don’t omnics ever get mad? Because they always keep their Zen mode on!
  4. Why was McCree always invited to parties? Because he always knew how to “high noon” the dance floor!
  5. What do you call a Reaper who can’t aim? A “Miss-t” opportunity!
  6. Why did the hero refuse to play cards with Widowmaker? Because she always had the deadliest hand!
  7. How did Mercy manage to win the race? She gave her opponents a “damage boost”!
  8. What’s Torbjorn’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal, of course!
  9. Why did the payload go to therapy? It had a lot of issues to “cart” around!
  10. What did D.Va say to her online bully? “Nerf this!”
  11. Why did the Symmetra join the band? She could always find the perfect “harmony”!
  12. Why did Reaper go to school? To brush up on his “deadication” skills!
  13. What do you call a dance party with Lucio? A “sound barrier” shindig!
  14. Why did Roadhog become a lifeguard? Because he’s an expert at hooking people out of the water!
  15. Why did the chicken cross the map in Overwatch? To get to the other side and heal up with Mercy!
  16. What’s Tracer’s favorite time of day? Blink and you’ll miss it!
  17. Why did the Hanzo switch careers to become a baker? Because he kneads to master the art of the arrow!
  18. What’s Reaper’s favorite dessert? Death by chocolate, of course!
  19. Why did the Overwatch agent get kicked out of the restaurant? They couldn’t stop “deflecting” the compliments!
  20. What do you call it when Mei and Roadhog team up? An “ice hog” combo!

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (10)

“20 Overkill Overwatch Puns: Another Blitz of Humorous Heroics!”

  1. Why did Soldier 76 join the book club? He wanted to learn more about “Cover to Cover” tactics!
  2. What do you call a Winston who loves to dance? A “primal groove”!
  3. Why did Junkrat open a bakery? He wanted to make some “explosive” pastries!
  4. What’s the favorite exercise of an Overwatch hero? Mei-n-body workouts!
  5. Why did Bastion become an artist? Because they were a “brush” bot!
  6. What do you call it when Ana takes a nap? “Nano-rest”!
  7. Why did the Overwatch team visit the amusem*nt park? They wanted to ride the “payload-coaster”!
  8. What do you call a McCree who’s always late? High Noon-pro punctuality!
  9. Why did Zarya become a gardener? Because she loves to “cultivate” energy!
  10. What do you call a Sombra who’s great at multitasking? A “hack-tician”!
  11. Why did Mercy switch to tea instead of coffee? Because she wanted to “rezz-caffeinate”!
  12. What’s Zenyatta’s favorite type of exercise? Zen-yoga!
  13. Why did D.Va start a beauty channel on YouTube? Because she loves to “glam-matrix”!
  14. What do you call a Reaper who loves to cook? The “grill of death”!
  15. Why did Symmetra become a tour guide? She wanted to show everyone the perfect “pathway”!
  16. What’s Moira’s favorite holiday? Dark Halloween!
  17. Why did Roadhog become a stand-up comedian? Because his jokes were a real “hog-hit”!
  18. What do you call a Tracer who’s always hungry? A “blink-and-chew-it”!
  19. Why did Lucio become a professional snowboarder? He always rides the “soundwaves”!
  20. What’s Mei’s favorite subject in school? “Frost-tory”!

“Overwatched and Amused: Another 20 Pun-tastic Moments in the Heroic Saga!”

  1. Why did Tracer refuse to play cards? She couldn’t handle the Re-Deal.
  2. What did Mei say to her frozen opponents? “Ice to meet you!”
  3. Why did Lucio become a chef? Because he wanted to amp up the flavor!
  4. Why did Reaper join a band? He wanted to bring the death metal.
  5. What do you call a Hanzo who can’t aim? A Scatterbrain.
  6. Why did D.Va become a gardener? She wanted to play Plant of the Game.
  7. What did Roadhog say to the hungry Junkrat? “Don’t Hog all the Junk food!”
  8. Why did Zenyatta open a bakery? He wanted to spread inner peace… and breadsticks.
  9. What’s Reinhardt’s favorite type of music? Hammer Time!
  10. Why did Mercy become a psychiatrist? She wanted to heal more than just physical wounds.
  11. What’s Torbjörn’s favorite fruit? Molten Bananas!
  12. Why did Soldier: 76 start a gardening club? He wanted to plant justice.
  13. What did Sombra say when she hacked into a pizza delivery service? “Now that’s a supreme hack-tivity!”
  14. Why did Junkrat start a pet grooming business? He wanted to make fur-ocious explosions!
  15. What do you call Widowmaker when she’s dancing? A Sniperella!
  16. Why did Bastion become a stand-up comedian? It wanted to break the ice with some good robot jokes.
  17. What’s Mei’s favorite dessert? Freeze-cream!
  18. Why did McCree start playing golf? He wanted to High Noon his way to a hole-in-one.
  19. What did Genji say when he defeated a bad pun? “You’ve been PUN-dered!”
  20. Why did Winston open a smoothie bar? Because he wanted to go bananas with the flavors!

“Punlocked Potency: Overwatch Puns that Leave You In Stitches!”

Get your pun-guns locked and loaded, for this Overwatch pun-filled adventure has reached its explosive climax! From payload to play of the game, we’ve blasted you with pun-tastic delights that will leave you grinning from ear to ear. But don’t let the fun end here! There’s a whole arsenal of laughter waiting for you on our site. So, reload your laughter and continue the punny journey. It’s time to explore more heroics, more wordplay, and more Over-pun-atch on our website. Happy pun hunting, heroes!

Table of Contents

Looking for more puns to devour ? You're in luck :

  1. 240+ Pokémon Puns: Electrically Charged Wordplay to Shock and Amaze!
  2. 240+ Anime Puns: Unleashing a Tsunami of Wordplay!
  3. 240+ Blacephalon Bonanzas: A Blast of Puns That’ll Blow Your Mind!
  4. 240+ Mind-Bending Game Puns: Level Up Your Laughter!
  5. “240+ RuneLaughs: Level Up Your Humor with the Ultimate RuneScape Puns!”
240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (11)

This pun was 'pun'-ctually delivered by…

Alex Skylar

From punning around as a class clown to perfecting the pun-craft as a pun-aficionado, Alex has been 'pun'-ning in laughter since time immemorial. A ‘pun’-derkid born in 2023, he's a self-proclaimed wordplay alchemist who loves to 'pun'ctuate conversations with clever plays on words. He believes in serving ‘pun’-shine daily, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary chuckles. Alex's life is a pun-tastic journey, filled with ‘pun’-dalanches of joy that he can't wait to share with you. Get ready to be 'pun'-derstruck with his writings, as he believes in making not just puns, but making days ‘pun’-derful! Happy Reading!

Hit me up on socials :

240+ Over-the-Top Overwatch Puns: A Payload of Laughter and Mayhem! (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.