Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) (2024)

  • While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. He provided key analytical contributions to intelligence assessments and quality control for the Division Intelligence Summary. His expertise and analytical skill gave decision makers a clear and accurate picture of the Division's Area of Responsibility in Northern Iraq.
  • During several operations against known terrorist camps in Northern Iraq, CPT Doe distinguished himself by his efforts to ensure that maneuver forces had timely accurate information on terrorist activities in the Division Area of Responsibility. He ensured that national, theater and organic assets were coordinated and to provide up to the minute information to warfighters on the ground. His efforts directly led to the capture of over 150 personnel and large numbers of weapons during mulitiple combat operations.
  • While assigned as executive officer for B Company, BTB, LT Doe excelled in fulfilling his responsibilities to his unit. Deploying his company to Operation Iraqi Freedom with over $25 million dollars of equipment without loss. LT Doe deployed with the early ADVON taking control of the off loading of all equipment in Kuwait with no damage to equipment. As executive officer while in Iraq, LT Doe led over 20 company patrols in support of Brigade operations throughout the AOR.
  • Shortly after safely and successfully redeploying his section from combat operations in Afghanistan, CPT Doe began preparing his unit again for deployment to the Middle East. He served as a Battalion S-2 and Brigade Assistant S-2 during the 3rd Brigade's rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, as well normal live fire exercises, and numerous other training events. Additionally he worked to prepare intelligence products and assessments that enhanced his Commander's ability to plan for future combat operations.
  • As the senior fire support representative in the battalion Tactical Operations Center, SGT Doe effectively battle tracked, controlled, and managed fire support assets required for BN operations, which ensured that each of the four companies received responsive fire support and achieved all effects each operation required.
  • Showing his versatility during ten company sized clearing operations in eastern baghdad, SGT Doe performed the duties of the platoon radio-telephone operator. He flawlessly relayed information between his platoon leader and company commander while maintaining situational awareness. His contribution greatly enhanced his platoon's combat effectiveness
  • SGT Doe served as a forward observer for First Platoon, Bravo Company. SGT Doe advised the platoon leader on all fire support assets he had at his disposal during over one-hundred combat patrols in eastern baghdad. SGT Doe ensured his team performed their assigned tasks above the standard ensuring his team's and platoon's success.
  • While attached to Delta Company, SGT Doe served as the Battle NCO in the Delta Company Tactical Operations Center. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs.
  • SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq.
  • SPC Does outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor to the success of the Brigade Tactical Operations Center. He effectively communicated with all Battalions within the 2BCT Area of Operations. SPC Doe provided situational awareness that informed all units of current route status, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08.
  • PFC Doe took great pride in the care and upkeep of his assigned equipment. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. His desire to help others in the maintenance of their vehicles contributed to the detachment maintaining a 95% operational readiness rate during the deployment.
  • PFC Doe showed constant concern for the members of the detachment by monitoring the work/rest cycle and fluid consumption during the summer months. His dedication to the safety of those around him resulted in him adhering to the correct operational procedures and maintaining constant situational awareness during DCLPs and base support missions. His commitment to safety contributed to the detachment operating for 11 months in a highly volatile combat zone with zero accidents or incidents.

  • PFC Doe excelled in his duties as a medium wheeled vehicle operator.
    He contributed to the successful completion of 48 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols (DCLPs) during eight months as a member of the Transportation Detachment. He displayed personal courage driving over 3,652 miles on the dangerous roads of Iraq. His actions directly contributed to the detachment delivering 12,837 tons of Class I-IX cargo in support of the mission to stabilize and support Iraq during the national reconstruction effort.

  • SPC Doe contributed directly to the fight to secure the Combat Outpost
    by transporting critical class IV supplies through the perilous roads of Iraq to support the construction of an operations center. Through multiple missions she delivered several milvans which were 90 days overdue containing the mail for the Soldiers operating on the COP and recreational equipment for the planned recreation facility. Her actions greatly enhanced the morale of the warfighter and epitomized the Army value of personal courage.

  • SPC Doe displayed tremendous devotion to physical fitness by pushing herself through countless hours of extra physical training during personal time. She set herself above her peers by earning a score of 280 on her Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). SPC Doe inspired others in the squad to put forth maximum effort into their own training and resulted in the squad's APFT average increasing from 217 to 252 points.

  • SPC Doe exemplified the total Soldier by seeking self improvement while deployed in a highly stressful area of operations. She exhibited determination by taking online college classes, earning twelve college credits, and completing the requirements to receive her associate’s degree from the University of Maryland. Her commitment to higher learning set the example for fellow Soldiers to follow which resulted in four other members of the squad enrolling in distance education programs.

  • SPC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. She displayed great courage and commitment driving over the dangerous roads of Iraq. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort.

  • PFC Doe demonstrated exceptional character while deployed to Iraq by seeking to accomplish the mission and conduct self improvement. PFC Doe set himself apart from his peers by simultaneously attending the GT improvement course and successfully completing his challenging duties as a medium wheeled vehicle operator, supporting the Combat Outpost distribution mission. His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate.

  • Throughout the deployment, PFC Doe consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. As the detachment's mail handler, PFC Doe constructed, implemented, and reorganized an effective detachment level mail storage facility, which significantly increased the unit's ability to maintain accountability and manage distribution of the Soldiers' personal mail and parcels. Contributing to the high level of morale in the unit, he ensured that all mail was delivered to personnel within 24 hours.

  • PFC Doe displayed commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service, personally contributing to the successful completion of thirty DCLPs. He logged 2,248 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes while servicing fourteen forward operating bases within the Multi National Division Area of Responsibility. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations.

  • SGT Doe displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of his Soldiers, and utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his team's day to day duties. SGT Doe's diligence resulted in zero accidents during eleven months of combat operations while deployed to the Multi National Division area of operations. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater.

  • SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. SGT Doe assisted the motor sergeant numerous times in performing 3rd Shop level services, significantly reducing vehicle downtime, and keeping the fleet at a 95 percent readiness rate throughout the deployment.

  • SGT Doe displayed phenomenal devotion to physical excellence while deployed in a high operational tempo area of Iraq enabling him to achieve a 298 on his Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), the highest score in the detachment. His motivation was an example for others in the squad and his demanding physical training regimen became the squad standard for fitness training and resulted in the squad APFT average rising from 217 to 252 points.

  • To ensure that the squad was able to properly account for all assigned equipment, SGT Doe devised and implemented a system of marking squad and individual equipment, which facilitated easy identification of Basic Issue Items (BII) and other pieces of organizational equipment. This allowed Soldiers to maintain 100 percent accountability of equipment through eleven months of combat operations and became the detachment standard to account for equipment.

  • SGT Doe displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of his Soldiers and utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his team's day to day duties, as well as preparation for DCLPs, resulting in zero accidents during eleven months of combat operations while deployed to the Multi National Division area of operations. Through successful drivers training, he enabled his team to maneuver the congested roads of the base without incident while delivering vital Class I water support.

  • As an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC), SGT Doe was directly responsible for the coordination of Material Handling Equipment (MHE) and the upload and download phase of over 47 missions to include the Pre-Combat Checks (PCCs) and Pre-Combat Inspections (PCIs) of all tasked Soldiers. His personal contribution to the mission allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 3,590 miles and 428 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations theater wide.

  • SGT Doe's devotion to mission accomplishment and dynamic leadership style enabled him to attain outstanding results as Mission Commander for Deliberate Combat Logistics Patrols (DCLPs). His dedication was a critical factor in the squad delivering over 5,709 pieces of Class I-IX cargo over 34,000 miles while operating in the highly volatile Iraqi area of operations. Always leading from the front, SGT Doe led his team on the roads of Iraq taking the lead truck position to ensure mission accomplishment. Driving over 4,363 accident/incident free miles, SGT Doe earned the recognition of high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters.

  • SPC Doe directly contributed to the safe accomplishment of the Transportation Detachment's mission. He routinely conducted Pre-Combat Inspections ensuring that his Soldiers had all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to conducting DCLPs. His dedication to the safety of his Soldiers and those around him resulted in the detachment operating for eleven months in a highly volatile combat zone with zero accidents.

  • SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. As a team leader, he was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers and the serviceability of two M915A4 tractors one M923A2 5-ton, three M872 trailers, and all assigned equipment valued in excess of 381,800 dollars. SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment.

  • SPC Doe lived the Warrior Ethos by placing the mission first. He set the example for his peers to emulate by meticulously maintaining his assigned vehicle to 10/20 standards and ensuring that he was able to perform a mission at a moments notice. His commitment to mission accomplishment contributed to the platoon's successful completion of 160 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols (DCLPs) and 440 base support missions driving more than 102,000 incident free miles during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-10.

  • SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. He was personally responsible for one M915A4 tractor, two M872 trailers, and all assigned basic issue items valued at 257,908 dollars. During three command inspections, SPC Doe maintained zero shortages of his equipment. His attention to detail and commitment to keeping his vehicle systems mission capable allowed the detachment to maintain a 95 percent operational readiness rate with heavily used equipment.

  • SPC Doe drove 3,495 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes
    (MSRs) in Iraq demonstrating his commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service. While servicing fourteen forward operating bases he earned the recognition of Soldier high miler of the detachment for the first quarter of FY 09. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations.

  • SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. His actions while executing duties of a higher level of responsibility resulted in the successful accomplishment of four re-supply missions.

  • SPC Doe showed great pride and enthusiasm in every task he undertook, producing excellent results throughout the deployment. His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission. As a result, the detachment safely hauled over 12,837 tons of equipment while participating in 160 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols and 440 base support missions driving more than 102,000 incident free miles during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-10.

  • Due to SPC Doe's outstanding knowledge of the MSRs, choke points, and tactics for Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols he successfully navigated the most challenging roads in Iraq regardless of illumination or weather conditions, without loss or damage to equipment. His excellent technical skills resulted in SPC Doe performing the duties of the Assistant Mission Commander's (AMC) driver. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission.

  • SPC Doe embodied professionalism, flexibility, and commitment to mission accomplishment by accumulating 3,740 accident and incident free miles. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations.

  • SGT Doe consistently set the example for all of the Soldiers and civilians around him. His level of personal responsibility ensured that the JSIIDS and CCTV systems were operational and ready at a moments notice for use by the Provost Marshall.
  • SGT Doe was directly responsible for the post PMO clearance and background checks for over 30,000 Soldiers, officers and civilians assigned to the USAG Casey area of operations.
  • SGT Doe's ability to train soldiers assisted in the instruction of over 15 Soldiers in PMO standards, Warrior Task Training, Marksmanship qualification and Physical Fitness, ensuring the PMO was well prepared for any task.
  • SGT Doe's ability to think on his feet and analyze difficult situations helped ensure a complaint free environment while assisting over 100 soldiers, officers and civilians in a normal work week.
  • SGT Doe became a subject matter expert on the brigade operational environment while assigned as an imagery analyst in the BCT, S2, Analysis Control Team. He routinely produced imagery products for six combat maneuver battalion S2s to help facilitate their targeting process. His efforts enabled maneuver forces to maintain an accurate picture of the battlefield. SGT Doe's imagery and analysis were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 high value targets.
  • With very little formal training, SGT Doe became the brigade's authority for the newly fielded Global Broadcast System (GBS). He worked tirelessly to get the system online through determined coordination with Division and the GBS help desk. His efforts were directly responsible for freeing thousands of gigabytes of scarce BCT SIPRNET bandwidth. Ultimately, he increased the S2's imagery download rate by over 800 percent.
  • Between February and June 2007, Corps integrated two additional Brigade Combat Teams into its force structure as part of the Baghdad Security Plan. SGT Doe proved indispensable in training the imagery analysts from these two brigade S2s preparing them to seamlessly assume operations within Baghdad.
  • SGT Doe personally answered over 250 imagery RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. His imagery analysis directly facilitated combat operations in Baghdad which resulted in the discovery of numerous weapons caches, capture of over 1,100 insurgent members, destruction of 3 indirect fire teams, and execution of hundreds of deliberate route clearance missions. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the BCT S2.
  • SPC Doe became a subject matter expert on his Security District while assigned as an intelligence analyst in the BCT S2, Analysis Control Team. He effectively fused intelligence information from all-sources to develop an accurate depiction of the battlefield. He maintained and developed all-source intelligence products that were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 battalion and brigade high value targets.
  • SPC Doe volunteered to serve as the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) analyst upon his arrival to Baghdad. Due to his keen analytical skills and innate briefing ability, SPC Doe was trusted by senior leadership to act as the BCT S2's representative for the brigade's counter-IED working group. His input in this effort prompted many initiatives that proved vital to the counter-IED fight in the BCT operational environment including increasing the brigade's ratio of found to detonated IEDs.
  • Between February and June 2007, the brigade integrated three additional combat maneuver battalions into its force as part of the Baghdad Security Plan surge. SPC Doe proved vital in training the junior analysts from these three battalion S2s preparing them to seamless assume operations within the brigade's Operational Environment. Additionally, SPC Doe answered numerous battalion requests for information throughout the deployment proving to be an indispensable BCT asset.
  • SPC Doe quickly became the most trusted and respected junior intelligence analyst in the brigade. He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. His work with the counter-IED working group played an integral role in the brigade's route status products. He researched and produced all-source analyst comments for over 1,200 HUMINT reports for the brigade's Graphic Intelligence Summary. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the S2.
  • PFC Doe volunteered to produce the brigade Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance plan when the collection manager departed for R&R in January 2007. His efforts were instrumental in maintaining continuity during this period of personnel shortages. PFC Doe's attention to detail was recognized by the BCT S2. He was tasked personally by the S2 to continue producing the product. His unrelenting hard work freed valuable to time for key personnel to conduct critical ISR planning for the brigade.
  • In Jan 07, enemy forces engaged the barracks on the FOB with an RPG. The round traveled through the outer wall and detonated in a vacant room, only six rooms down from where PFC Doe was recovering from night-shift duty. Upon hearing the detonation, PFC Doe quickly moved to the scene, and discovered a fire erupting behind a locked door. He promptly kicked in the door and began extinguishing the blaze –leaving the scene only after exhausting all available resources. His quick action helped save all adjacent rooms.
  • SPC Doe volunteered to serve as the BCT indirect fire analyst upon his arrival to Baghdad. He maintained detailed and accurate records of all indirect fire attacks on the FOB, twelve Combat Outposts, ten Joint Security Stations, and the Green Zone. His IDF trend analysis was vital to the brigade staff in determining the FOB's uniform posture which was used to mitigate the IDF threat to the BCT's Soldiers.
  • Due to his professional leadership skills and aggressive can-do attitude, SFC Doe was selected by the company commander over six senior peers to perform duties as platoon sergeant of 1st Platoon. Within eight weeks he transformed a substandard platoon into a cohesive, disciplined team which held the company's highest platoon record for rifle marksmanship, physical fitness testing, and common skills testing for over a one-year period.
  • As a Drill Sergeant in Echo Company, 1-34th Infantry Battalion, SSG Doe transformed over 600 young men and women into hardened Soldiers prepared for combat. His intensely competitive spirit and outstanding leadership skills provided the impetus for the high standards that he set resulting in highly disciplined and motivated Soldiers. He graduated 10 honor platoons over a three-year period, while exceeding the standard for tough, realistic, and accident-free training.
  • First Sergeant Doe was instrumental in solidifying a sense of cohesion and teamwork within the noncommissioned officers of the company. His revitalization of the unit's NCO professional development program emboldened his NCOs–from the most junior team chief to his most senior platoon sergeant–to improve the quality of leadership and training within the unit. His NCOs ensured the company's Soldiers were highly disciplined, trained and motivated. This NCO emphasis on discipline and high standards resulted in the unit's high morale and espirit de corps–by far the best in the battalion.
  • SSG Doe was instrumental in the construction of the first Combating Terrorism (CT) Database; a system which enabled the command to track terrorist activity in the unit's area of operations. Due to his contributions, the system was operational within two weeks, enhancing the commander's ability to establish links between terrorist cells and possible activity.
  • SSG Doe as the CT database analyst for central Europe, produced twenty target folders. These target folders were subsequently vetted by the command as valid operational and intelligence targets for the theater area of responsibility.
  • SSG Doe produced pertinent Balkans products that informed the commander and staff on key events and issues affecting deployed US forces.
  • SGT Doe served as the administrative assistant, in three different divisions, of a MACOM level G2 directorate. He processed over 2,000 personnel actions, handled official travel arrangements for both military and civilian staff personnel, updated numerous rosters, ensured mail was properly and efficiently distributed, and fulfilled all mission requirements required of him. SGT Doe was not only adaptable, but always remained calm and professional as he went about his duties.
  • While temporarily deployed in support of Task Force Eagle, SGT Doe assumed the duties of the Special Security Representative. In a two month period, he processed over 800 personnel for security clearances and access badges during the rotation of 25ID.
  • SGT Doe was responsible for the accountability and maintenance of over $1,000,000 worth of government equipment. During a major renovation move, SGT Doe was paramount in the planning and movement of all SSO equipment and classified documents resulting in minimal down time for the G2 SSO offices.
  • SGT Doe was instrumental in the accomplishment of company training requirements. With short notice he was always ready to assist in Common Task Training, weapon qualification, driver and escort train-up and Sergeant Time Training.
  • SGT Doe played a vital role in the initial construction of the first Combating Terrorism Database, assuming an initial operating capacity in only 2 weeks. Products created were viewed by national level foreign agencies as well as senior level leadership. Her expertise in the Balkans region filled many intelligence gaps. SGT Doe assumed the NCOIC position for the Database Team for a period of 1 month and balanced daily duties with increased force protection requirements.
  • Contributed to providing the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence products while serving as a regional intelligence analyst. SPC Doe served as a valued member of a team which produced current intelligence assessments for the Commanding General's Black Book.
  • On short notice, SPC Doe efficiently transitioned from the role of current intelligence analyst to that of the Operations and Intelligence Division's executive administrative specialist, a position normally reserved for a junior NCO. Her enthusiasm, ability to adapt, and meticulous attention to detail ensured the timely and professional handling of the division's administrative functions.
  • SPC Doe's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and complete approximately 1500 personnel actions and various additional admisitrative tasks, which proved instrumental in the success of the Operations and Intelligence division during an extended period of civilian employee shortages.
  • For a period of ten months, SFC Doe served as the Operations and Intelligence Division (OID) NCOIC. During this time he successfully rebalanced resources to continue the daily missions of intelligence analysis and the Commander's Black Book production despite extensive force protection requirements. He was meticulous in every aspect of his soldiers' development and their welfare, never failing to go the extra mile to take care of their needs. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship.
  • SFC Doe served as the Combating Team Brach (CTB) NCOIC ensuring the ever increasing requirements for this newest branch were always fulfilled. His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. In addition, he functioned as an Africa analyst with over 50 of his articles being published.
  • As the primary OID hand receipt holder, SFC Doe was responsible for over $1,000,000 worth of equipment. He meticulously regained 100% accountability of all equipment after assuming a neglected hand receipt from the previous NCOIC. During a major renovation, SFC Doe's well-planned and executed movement of all OID equipment, furniture and documents resulted in minimal down time for the division.
  • SFC Doe was instrumental in building unit cohesion and morale. He was the chairperson for two of the most successful G2 Organizational Day picnics that provided outstanding food, entertainment, and camaraderie for over 250 people.
  • Provided the BDE Commander and staff with a clear, current, and precise situational template of the impending threat, focusing on areas of concentrated enemy activity and enabling them to conduct the MDMP process for the transition forward. Their ability to predict the enemy's pattern of attacks resulted in zero fatalities and minimal contact during movement to the FOB.
  • Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. This allowed for the production of a well-defined intelligence annex and appendices essential to the operations order.
  • Compiled all of the necessary skills to put together a tracking board for anit-coalition activity that was praised by the BCT Commander and distinguished visitors in the Tactical Operations Center. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs.
  • As the Balkans Team NCOIC and one of the senior analysts, SGT Doe made an immediate impact by providing analysis and current intelligence products used for dissemination to the CG and his staff. She demonstrated her superior analytical skills by researching and providing intelligence support to planners, briefers, and DCS, G2 decision makers.
  • With little notice, SGT Doe became a subject matter expert providing timely and relevant intelligence and the Counterterrorism/Force Protection Team NCOIC after the events of September 11, thereby keeping the CG and his staff abreast of developing intelligence in the terrorism and force protection arena and directly impacting force protection of the command's ASG areas.
  • SGT Doe validated her skills as a diverse intelligence analyst when possible US-led operations in Iraq provided the impetus for her to become the Europe Team NCOIC. Again with little notice, SGT Doe researched and produced executive summaries providing the necessary relevant intelligence to the CG and his staff.
  • As the Black Book NCOIC, SGT Doe compiled the daily Commanding General's Black Book. She effortlessly implemented key changes in the daily Black Book by including several new support sections, which were instrumental in guiding the senior leadership in the planning of possible contingency operations in Southwest Asia. Her efforts provided the command group with an improved awareness of events in the AOR.
  • For a period of 5 years, SGT Doe has provided the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence. She has served as both a member of the Black Book Team, CT Database Analyst, CT Desk Officer, and CT lead development analyst for the Information Dominance Center (IDC). SGT Doe has shown a great flexibility and adaptability in all her duty positions, making her an invaluable team member.
  • SGT Doe functioned as the Balkans analyst from Aug 99 to Oct 00.. During these 14 months of dedicated focus, SGT Doe was the primary producer of the Daily Intelligence Summary and was responsible for briefing this summary to the Commander and senior leadership.
  • SGT Doe functioned as a Terrorism Lead Development analyst from OCT 03 to JUN 04. During this period, she was able to significantly contribute to in-depth analytical assessments, complex link analysis diagrams, and other products associated with exploiting information for the benefit of current operations. SGT Doe was hailed by senior leadership several times for her ability to brief senior leaders on the IDC functionality and on how the Terrorism Lead Development cell incorporates IDC.
  • SGT Doe functioned as the primary producer of the Current Threat Report (CTR), a product disseminated to commanders at all levels throughout the AOR, from Mar 02 to Mar 03. Her dedication to her work, ability to work with minimal supervision, and attention to detail was hailed by G2 leadership on several occasions. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software.
  • As a direct result of his exceptional duty performance and superb analytical skills, SPC Doe was chosen over six other intelligence analysts to work in the DCS, G2 Combating Terrorism (CT) Branch. His ability to effectively manage and complete complex tasks normally given to junior level NCOs, was instrumental to the success of the branch during an extended period of NCO shortages.
  • During his seven-month tenure, SPC Doe successfully functioned as the the only Middle East/North African CT Analyst, duties normally performed by three experienced analysts. Additionally, he played a vital role in the construction of the first CT Database by single-handedly populating over 200 records derived from hundreds of intelligence products.
  • SPC Doe was responsible for the production of 10 specific CT threat slides viewed by senior officials including national and foreign agencies and Command leadership. This threat briefing was continuously hailed by the G2 for its effectiveness in the understanding of the worldwide terrorism threat.
  • With little notice, SPC Doe quickly transitioned from a CT subject matter expert to a current intelligence analyst where he was placed on the CG Black Book production team. He quickly and effectively adapted to the grueling shift work schedule and high optempo. Using initiative and meticulous attention to detail, SPC Doe conducted all missions to the highest standard, which ultimately led to the timely and professional distribution of all G2 intelligence products.
  • CPT Doe led the intelligence planning effort in developing the intelligence concept for the command's operations for Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). His intuitive skills and ability to focus on the key aspects of intelligence planning ensured the right intelligence support, architecture, and operation flexibility was achieved for Commander, ARFOR-T. His extraordinary efforts were lauded by Chief, G3 Plans as key to success in our planning effort and resulted in a highly successful deployment of the Infantry Division.
  • Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. On short notice and with little assistance, he developed the key intelligence products for the extensive Intelligence Estimate Briefing presented to the senior foreign commander in charge of the exercise. His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell.
  • Driving force in developing the exercise concept, intelligence requirements and support plan for the Infantry Division's Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and Corps' War Fighter Exercise (WFX). He successfully orchestrated a diverse team of intelligence analysts and planners to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intel scenario, and extensive intelligence architecture, and produced over 200 MSELs, which prepared the Infantry Division commander and staff for their rotation to Iraq in support of OIF II.
  • Planned, coordinated and implemented a wholesale revision of the J3 Combined Task Force Intelligence Cell that lead to significant improvements in organization, targeting and dissemination of intelligence. His efforts focused and streamlined information exchange procedures with multiple intelligence organizations eliminating redundancy and maximizing assets available. His engineered improvements were quickly adopted and recognized as a vast improvement over previous means of intelligence dissemination.
  • As the Deputy Division Chief from July 2003 to June 2005, LTC Doe supervised Division and ACE personnel in the daily production of the CG's Black Book, The Current Threat Report (CTR), information papers, executive summaries, and input to plans and staff actions. Additionally, supervised the intelligence staff contribution to the Operations Center. He ensured that the G2 Watch provided timely, accurate and relevant input to the 24/7 operations and crisis response activities.
  • Served as the activing Division Chief for the Operations and Intelligence Division from July 2004 to October 2004. During this time, LTC Doe managed the day to day management of OID's three branches and the directing of support operations wih the ACE. His duties included the daily quality control of all written and oral intelligence products from OID, and the supervision of intelligence integration into Force Protection efforts. All thiis was done while completing an $8 million Report of Survey at the direction of the DCG.
  • Supervised the integration of the Division's Information Dominance Center – Forward (IDC-FWD) into the G2's CT analysis and reporting effort. His efforts and recent policy breakthroughs have made the IDC a formidable tool in support of CT analysis. Additionally, LTC Doe supervised the analytical contribution to Force Protection Working Groups resulting in timely and accurate threat reporting and rapid transmission of data to the command's decision makers.
  • Supervised a Deployable Intelligence Support Element (DISE) which supported the command during the visit of the President of the United States (POTUS) to the ASG (Area Support Group) 22-23 February 2005. The integration of the DISE into the ACE, and the White House security team was instrumental in providing excellent support during the visit. LTC Doe and his team were noted by the Division CG for the professionalism and situational awareness they brought to the successful POTUS visit.
  • Superb performance as Watch Officer at the U.S. National Intelligence Cell in support of current operations. Coordinated operations of a multi-disciplined, continuously manned, joint force, eight-person watch team responsible for focused, predictive, and timely intelligence to senior US officers, United Nations leaders, and other national and theater intelligence agencies.
  • Focal point for the consistent, timely and seamless flow of intelligence between local commanders and US national and theater intelligence agencies. Synchronized and de-conflicted indications and warning efforts of the Analysis and Control Element (ACE), the theater Intelligence Operations Center, Joint Analysis Center, Interagency Balkans Task Force, and Joint Staff Director of Intelligence. Responded to short-notice intel taskers levied by senior leaders.
  • Developed a criminal “Top Ten List” for identifying specific by-name individuals to facilitate prioritization of message traffic concerning illegal activities. He implemented new procedures that are now the standard for training newly assigned personnel. His actions also ensured a seamless transfer of information occurred between personnel during daily shift changes, highlighting all critical items needed to guarantee uninterrupted continuation of watch operations.
  • SGT Doe spearheaded the Organized Crime Working Group formulated between the major national intelligence cells to delineate criminal activities for actionable intelligence, and transfer of releasable information. He also produced a point paper outlining recommended courses of action for the commander to combat organized crime in the theater of operations; intel vital to maintaining a safe and secure environment in the commander’s area of operations.
  • Prepared and presented a daily all-source intelligence briefing to the Commander, and J2 personnel to provide an essential starting point for watch changeover. His development and implementation of a new briefing format raised the standard for excellence, and rapidly conveyed important information to ensure national level agencies and collection activities coordinated efforts to satisfy the commander’s priority intelligence requirements.
  • Directly responsible for ensuring around-the-clock indications and warning communications connectivity to the US Intelligence Community through primary and alternate pathways, despite a 30% reduction in unit manning. Skillfully capitalized on the capabilities of theater and national assets to research, collect and disseminate releasable intelligence information vital to NATO allies and multi-national brigades over NATO communications systems for planning and execution.
  • Stepped up to take on extra shifts, enabling other watch personnel to participate in social functions in order to represent the American contingent to the international community with the highest standards. Volunteered as a driver to shuttle the leadership to important meetings with the local Assembly; always ready to pick up incoming and drop off outgoing personnel at the airport. His exceptional contributions helped foster a cohesive atmosphere among unit members.
Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.